Wow, this is a really exciting post to write!
I’ve been a little on the quiet side lately because I’ve been very busy with shows and conventions, but also because I’ve been working very hard to set up some very cool new opportunities in the art world. Finally, I get to share my love of “making stuff” with the world: I’ll be teaching art and crafting classes all over northern Ohio!

I’ll have all sorts of fun things for you to try!
Classes are already scheduled in Euclid and Akron, and a venue in Parma is pending (I should know by the end of the week). I have a few Halloween events open right now for sign ups, and additional holiday classes in the works. Check out the new tab at the top of the page for more information! You’ll find any classes for which registration goes through me on the Classes tab. ALL events, including my upcoming shows and classes for which registration will go through another host, can be found under the Events tab.
I’ll also be offering private events for charities, corporations, and individuals. Craft classes are great for fundraisers, birthdays, team building, and more! If you’re interested in hosting an event, please contact me for details. And definitely check out a class or two – be sure to bring your friends!